Six people of diverse backgrounds in a collaborative protest, going towards a green circle.

CHANGE Vote For It

The Green Party of Canada fights for bold change—protecting our climate, creating good green jobs, and building a fairer future for all.

Six people of diverse backgrounds in a collaborative protest, going towards a green circle.

Vote For It

The Green Party of Canada fights for bold change—protecting our climate, creating good green jobs, and building a fairer future for all.

Our Plan

Building a better future for Canada,
one bold step at a time.


We will make the largest investment in public housing since the 1970s, and clamp down on big investors driving up prices.

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We will protect our kids and communities by cutting fossil fuel pollution and making Canada a world leader in clean energy.

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& Security

We will protect Canadians from today’s threats, strengthen our self-reliance, and continue to work for global peace.

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Vote with your wallet for bold climate action, social justice, and a fair economy where everyone thrives.

Make A Difference
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Vote with your wallet for bold climate action, social justice, and a fair economy where everyone thrives.

People of varied backgrounds holding up a green circle together.
People of varied backgrounds holding up a green circle together.

Make A Difference
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Vote with your wallet for bold climate action, social justice, and a fair economy where everyone thrives.

People of varied backgrounds holding up a green circle together.

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