.... Indonesia, Zambia, Chile,Brazil, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Timor Leste, Tanzania and last Kuwait
There is an urgency to move forward . Support the text.
Thank you for lifting our spirits from the depression of Copenhagen. Text is not perfect but it is a building block. We must not re-open the text.
Congratulations for your untiring, unflagging leadership. The package proposed without any doubt is a step forward. As Costa Rica stated, Cancun has become a milestone in international negotiations which must not be abandoned. To do so would be an act of irresponsibility.
Thank you for preparing a marvelous conference. Brazil fully supports the document. Let's adopt it!
My delegation congratulates you. After Copenhagen, we have lost a year and that has made things more dangerous. The hours left in this negotiation is a reflection of time left for this planet. Let us go forward saying never less than in Cancun. Let us go forward for more.
Dominican Republic: we believe it is imperative to crystallize these agreements. We have helped restore multi-lateralism. This has allowed us to move forward on MRV and financing. And we have not decreased our ambition to have an international legally-binding agreement. The only hope of reversing climate crisis in the world is in the brave, wise work you have done. We support it fully.
Timor Leste:
This document is more than an acceptable document. It is almost a good document.
Benin: supports the text. An excellent thing in taking the next step forward.
Tanzania: supports the text. Work in progress. Tanzania with its very small del we will work tirelessly to improve the text. Millions of people are already experiencing the horrors of climate change.
Thank you for your leadership, esp after the failure of Copenhagen. The applause means the word has come to an agreement. Your ability to steer this conference at the critical stage. We must take into account the loopholes in this agreement. The ship is sailing on the right path. But changes are needed.1400 years ago our prophet Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) if you plant a tree on the
last day on earth (Judgement Day), it makes a difference. The youth say "top talking and start planting" and we agree with them.
Speakers list is closed. We have listened closely. The package of decisions which I hope will be adopted. As expected, the package we have before us does not satisfy everyone 100% ... So many aspects and so many different countries. This is natural. In these texts, all of you would see your concerns and perspectives reflected at least to some extent. When it comes to climate change, more than a specific point, it is a process. A great deal of work needs to be done. And then we are also facing an enormous amount of work for those entities we are creating. Dialogue and negotiations have not yet led us to reach the conclusions we want. This is not an end. This is a beginning. Based on the conviction that we all have a responsibility.
I also believe that the text we have before us is the best we could hope to achieve at this conference. Process has been Open and we listen to all the voices. We have even heard voices that previously have not been heard. The voices of people not physically present here have also been important. Cities, states have been heard.
I believe it is precisely because of this inconclusive and open nature, that the process has been more positive. Some concerns have been expressed about concerns that were not fully reflected. I am convinced that we have many future opportunities for dialogue. We have met with the ministers and government in South Africa. I personally have committed myself to follow up on all aspects and work with South Africa. Finally, I would like to say that I cannot fail to acknowledge that delegations have said we can adopt these texts as is. These are not Mexican texts. I would like to then call on all of you to consider these texts before we go on to the working groups. And to continue listening to the concerns in the working group.
Nevertheless, at this late hour, I would like to call on the chairs of the working group to meet immediately. I will immediately prepare for the close of this conference. I hope the working group meetings will be brief and we can move to the close of this conference. (Midnight and the working groups go back to work)