Colin Griffiths
Federal Council - Fund Representative
I have been a Green Party member, federally and in both Ontario and Quebec for close to 25 years. In that time, I have been a member of the EDA or CA executive in ridings in Ontario, and Quebec, as member at large, treasurer and president. I have been the official agent in campaigns in Mississippi Mills, Northumberland Quinte West, and in the EDA in Pontiac. I ran as the candidate in Pontiac in 2015. I am passably bilingual.
My business career over 50 years was intensively involved in computing. For the last thirty years, I ran a software company that produced Canadian income tax software, both personal and corporate. Several charities with substantial budgets have benefitted from my expertise both as a board member, and as president and treasurer.
While I am not an accountant, this combination of experience with Revenue Canada, Revenue Quebec and Elections Canada will enable me to navigate the intricacies of political party finances and re-establish sanity and integrity in the books of the GPC, as well as bringing competence and dedication to the tasks of being part of federal council, the executive and the Fund Board.
It is of particular concern to me that the executive of the party be transparent with our members. I look forward to providing regular financial reports and an end to unnecessary in camera sessions of federal council.