Rebecca Redmile-Blaevoet
Federal Council - New Brunswick 375-8537
I have been a Green supporter since before I had ever heard that a Green Party existed anywhere. Ecological wisdom and sustainability have always been values I have tried to uphold, so when my husband and I finally had the opportunity to move to a farm in New Brunswick, with space to continue operating our publishing business, it was a tremendous relief, from a sustainability standpoint, not to mention our own quality of life. Since moving here, I have become part of our local Riding Association and am the Policy Working Group chair for the Provincial Green Party. I am a blind woman, so, respect for diversity and social justice are also principles that matter to me on a very personal level. There are many ways we can participate in our democracy, and being involved behind the scenes with Federal Council, in support of a strong leader, is a useful and edifying opportunity for me to put whatever talents I have to the service of others.