Bill Matheson
Federal Council - Nova Scotia
bill.matheson@greenparty.caNova Scotia Greens need strong representation on Federal Council for the next two years. I want to help the GPC grow its membership, improve our financial health, and make our party a good place to be a member and to volunteer.
As Nova Scotia’s representative on Federal Council, I will actively support co-operation, capacity building, and volunteer training for GPC members and volunteers in this province. We need 11 active EDAs and 11 candidates in the next election. I want to help grow the GPC in Nova Scotia.
Since January 1, 2019, I’ve been a member of the Green Party of Canada and the Green Party of Nova Scotia. I managed the Green federal campaigns in Halifax in 2019 and 2021, and was the Official Agent for a federal campaign as well. As a GPC volunteer, I’ve canvassed on foot or by phone in provincial elections and federal by-elections in British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. I joined the GPC’s Ombuds and Appeals Committee (OAC) in April 2020, and was re-elected at the VGM Phase 1 last November.
With the GPNS, I was a part-time provincial Organizer in 2019 and 2020. I was the GPNS Membership Director for a period in 2020, during which membership fees were removed for members below the age of 30. I’ve been active in my local GPNS Region, and I was the Official Agent for five provincial campaigns in 2021.
Before becoming a Green, I was a member of the NDP from 1999 to 2018. I was the CEO of both provincial and federal EDAs, sat on the NS NDP Council and Executive, and served as provincial President. I took an active interest in governance over the years, acted as parliamentarian at Council meetings, and helped to revise the Constitution on several occasions.
I’ve been active with a number of environmental organizations in Nova Scotia since the 90’s, including the Wooden’s River Watershed Environmental Organization and the Ecology Action Centre. I was green long before I became Green
Please support me for Nova Scotia’s representative on Federal Council.