Nicholas Hendren

Federal Council - Nova Scotia
(902) 293-9802

I have been a member of the Green Party of Canada for just under 2 years but have been in some form of politics since at least high school. Having served on student councils, executive boards, and other committees, I have gained the knowledge necessary to do a diligent job as the Nova Scotia Representative for the Federal Council of the Green Party of Canada. As well, I have lived in the three major sectors of the province. Urban, suburban, and rural. I have grown up suburban through my childhood and adolescence, lived urban for the developmental years of my young adulthood, and now at 28 years old I am living rurally. Having lived in all these different communities, I know what each can bring to the table along with what each is lacking.

Along with where I have lived, I am a young green, a queer green, and a green who is passionate about making sure that this country does all that it can to set it up for candidates and generations to come rather than being complacent with the current state of how things are for the current generation. Currently for this I have taken on working towards being zero-waste and am a volunteer firefighter.

With the position of the Nova Scotia representative, I will make sure that all Nova Scotians are represented from urban to rural, and that we work together to create a province, country, and world ready for those generations after us!


Kai Trappenberg, Richard Zurawski, Susan Zurawski, Rosemary Rowntree, Noah Hollis