Clarify the use of the Policy Governance Model by Council


WHEREAS the members passed a resolution directing the Green Party of Canada to investigate using the Carver Model of Governance;

WHEREAS the Carver Model is informally known as the Policy Governance Model;

WHEREAS the Federal Council of the Green Party of Canada considers itself to be run by the Policy Governance Model;

WHEREAS it has never been codified in the Constitution that the Green Party of Canada is governed by said Model;

WHEREAS half of the Council is new each year and needs clarity on the governance model;

WHEREAS the Policy Governance model is codified in numerous resource manuals;


BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw 2 (Federal Council) be amended to include:

2.7 Policy Governance Model:

2.7.1 Federal Council shall operate in a manner consistent with the Policy Governance Model.

Mary Ann Coleman, Simon McMillan, Christine Cantin, Kate Storey, Aaron Padolsky, Irene Novaczek, Olivier Adam, Janice Harvey, Becky Smit, David Coon, Elizabeth Berman, Lynne Quarmby, Carrie McLaren, Erich Jacoby-Hawkins, Elizabeth May, Stephanie Coburn, Steve May, Jacquie Miller, Patricia Farnese, Kyle Tate, Ira Heidemann, Brian Smallshaw, Sid Hayes, John Whistler


Policy Governance is a system that helps boards, like our Federal Council, lead successful organizations. It ensures that Council and staff are clear on who does what and why, while it also maximizes board accountability to members. Author Susan Mogensen explains the six major benefits of a policy governance system (
1. Empower the staff to do their job with confidence and creativity through having clear and complete criteria for successful decisions, plans and actions.
2. Council saves time discussing operational details or minutiae and can focus on setting direction and priorities.
3. Members are heard and see results. Policy Governance emphasizes that accountability is to the members. This model helps the Council to focus on linkages with the membership and develop policies and monitor results in a way that maximizes alignment between member’s expectations and results.
4. Council members add value and make a difference. Boards using Policy Governance set the “tone at the top,” and direct and protect the organization with the greatest possible clarity and efficiency. Board members engage in rich, values-based conversations and make important decisions that have tremendous impact on the organization.
5. The board has the ability to control risk (without stifling creativity). Boards using Policy Governance apply principles that simultaneously control risk throughout the organization and maximize freedom for staff to get the job done. Additionally, monitoring performance uses a simple, streamlined, evidence-based approach.
6. ‘Politics’ is kept to a minimum. Boards using Policy Governance enjoy a high level of clarity, empowerment, and accountability, in which room or necessity for tension, politics, and disharmony is minimized. When everyone knows the rules of the game, it is much more fun and fair for everyone to play!



Proposal Type


Submitter Name

Steve May


WHEREAS the members passed a resolution directing the Green Party of Canada to investigate using the Carver Model of Governance;

WHEREAS the Carver Model is informally known as the Policy Governance Model;

WHEREAS the Federal Council of the Green Party of Canada considers itself to be run by the Policy Governance Model;

WHEREAS it has never been codified in the Constitution that the Green Party of Canada is governed by said Model;

WHEREAS half of the Council is new each year and needs clarity on the governance model;

WHEREAS the Policy Governance model is codified in numerous resource manuals;


BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw 2 (Federal Council) be amended to include:

2.7 Policy Governance Model:

2.7.1 Federal Council shall operate in a manner consistent with the Policy Governance Model.


Mary Ann Coleman, Simon McMillan, Christine Cantin, Kate Storey, Aaron Padolsky, Irene Novaczek, Olivier Adam, Janice Harvey, Becky Smit, David Coon, Elizabeth Berman, Lynne Quarmby, Carrie McLaren, Erich Jacoby-Hawkins, Elizabeth May, Stephanie Coburn, Steve May, Jacquie Miller, Patricia Farnese, Kyle Tate, Ira Heidemann, Brian Smallshaw, Sid Hayes, John Whistler


Policy Governance is a system that helps boards, like our Federal Council, lead successful organizations. It ensures that Council and staff are clear on who does what and why, while it also maximizes board accountability to members. Author Susan Mogensen explains the six major benefits of a policy governance system (
1. Empower the staff to do their job with confidence and creativity through having clear and complete criteria for successful decisions, plans and actions.
2. Council saves time discussing operational details or minutiae and can focus on setting direction and priorities.
3. Members are heard and see results. Policy Governance emphasizes that accountability is to the members. This model helps the Council to focus on linkages with the membership and develop policies and monitor results in a way that maximizes alignment between member’s expectations and results.
4. Council members add value and make a difference. Boards using Policy Governance set the “tone at the top,” and direct and protect the organization with the greatest possible clarity and efficiency. Board members engage in rich, values-based conversations and make important decisions that have tremendous impact on the organization.
5. The board has the ability to control risk (without stifling creativity). Boards using Policy Governance apply principles that simultaneously control risk throughout the organization and maximize freedom for staff to get the job done. Additionally, monitoring performance uses a simple, streamlined, evidence-based approach.
6. ‘Politics’ is kept to a minimum. Boards using Policy Governance enjoy a high level of clarity, empowerment, and accountability, in which room or necessity for tension, politics, and disharmony is minimized. When everyone knows the rules of the game, it is much more fun and fair for everyone to play!