Taking climate action is not simply about avoiding the negatives – longer droughts, stronger storms, food insecurity. It is about seizing the opportunity to build a prosperous and resilient economy, and a healthier more equitable society.

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  • COP21 Final Blog - Day 13

    Sunday, 13 Dec 2015 - The morning after 13 days- 3 all nighters… And the Paris Agreement is accepted.  The COP21 decision is agreed.  What does it all mean? I have been working on climate for the last 29 years.   In that...
  • COP21 Blog Update - Day 12

    Saturday, 12 Dec 2015 - Yesterday, December 11th, was a day of suspended animation. So forgive me for not writing my daily blog yesterday. To make up for it, you'll likely get two today. At 5:30 AM Friday the all-night "...
  • COP21 Blog Update - December 10

    Thursday, 10 Dec 2015 - After 5 hours of commentary, complaint and suggested possibilities for compromise, the informal round of talks called an "indaba" broke up at 5 am. If President Fabius (who personally chaired this...