Anik Lajoie
Federal Council - Quebec 496-2814
I bring high-value political experience to the Green Party of Canada : as Logistics Director, I led Leaders campaigns for Premier Pauline Marois for the 2012 and 2014 Quebec elections, and for the 2008 and 2011 Bloc Québécois elections. I am a strategic visionary, an entrepreneur and public relations expert. I led public relations, management and strategy-logistics with Spectra (Montreal Jazz Fest, Francofolies), Just for Laughs Festival, Radio-Canada CBC, Cirque du Soleil, Opéra de Montréal and others.
I was Campaign Manager for Pierre Nantel (Longueuil-Saint-Hubert) in the 2019 federal elections. I excel at managing crises; my enthusiasm and empathy for others is highly contagious. I have twenty years of experience with legal contracts, leading documentary production teams, juggling media, high-level briefs and high-level profiles. I lead with emotional intelligence and express my vulnerabilities in ways so as to empower others. I never count my hours and prioritizes the well-being of my staff and always puts myself last.