Dana Taylor
Federal Council - British Columbia
dana.taylor@greenparty.ca(604) 728-2275
Why Me?
As a candidate - first for the BC Greens in the 2017 BC election, and then for the Green Party of Canada in the 2019 Federal election, I have first-hand experience: not only from listening to voters’ demand for Green policies, but also knowledge of the kind of material support from the National Office that we need to make a Green Wave happen.
As a career association executive, as well as a founder and director of other mission-driven organizations over the years, I have the experience and skills and know specifically how to create the support structure that will finally turn Canada Green.
Why Now?
- The Green Party of Canada is changing. Our political and party leadership is in transition. Party members want to support an organization that can succeed. To make this happen I want to:
- Help renew our vision, culture, mission and strategy;
- Give grassroots organizers a place to connect and communicate;
- Improve our internal communications to better meet the actual needs of members, staff, and candidates;
- Resolve our governance and operations issues to ensure effective results;
- Provide a frontline Ombudsperson Official to facilitate member-party interactions;
- Establish a performance mandate for Federal Council members;
- Create and implement a marketing and advertising strategy that with continuous links to current events of political relevance;
- Activate and empower our electoral district associations (EDAs) to conduct year-round education and public service campaigns;
- Generate and deliver simple messages from policy and platform to overpower common misconceptions of what Green means in Canada