
    May, Laraque Kick Off Canada’s Green Quebec Wing AGM

    Media Release | Wednesday, 12 Jun 2013
    Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands, and Deputy Leader Georges Laraque will kick off the weekend-long 2013 AGM for the Quebec wing of the Green Party of Canada by speaking at...

    Greens Mark D-Day Sacrifices for Democracy

    Media Release | Thursday, 06 Jun 2013
    OTTAWA -  Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands, today marks the anniversary of D-Day, the allied landings in Normandy, France, designed to establish a bridgehead on the western...

    Greens Support First Nation Challenge to Canada-China Treaty

    Media Release | Tuesday, 04 Jun 2013
    OTTAWA - The Green Party continues to throw its full support behind the British-Columbia-based Hupacasath as the First Nation prepares to appear in federal court Wednesday to Friday. The Hupacasath...

    May Recognized for Lifelong Environmental Work

    Media Release | Friday, 31 May 2013
    OTTAWA - The Green Party of Canada is proud to announce that Leader Elizabeth May, MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands, yesterday received a citation from the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (...

    Greens Mark UN Peacekeeping Day with Warning to Canadians

    Media Release | Wednesday, 29 May 2013
    OTTAWA - The Green Party of Canada today marks UN Peacekeeping Day by warning Canadians that their once-proud role in international peacekeeping has been systematically whittled away. According to...

    Conservatives/Liberals Nix National Security Definition

    Media Release | Tuesday, 28 May 2013
    OTTAWA - Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands, today expressed her frustration and concern after Conservative and Liberal Members of Parliament in the Finance Committee voted...