Media Releases

  • Green Party of Canada’s Statement on Remembrance Day

    Monday, 10 Nov 2014 - (OTTAWA) – Each year on November 11th, Canadians gather in their communities to reflect and pay tribute to the brave men and women of all wars who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country....
  • Conservatives Kill Green Efforts to Protect Park

    Thursday, 06 Nov 2014 - Government members reject all 18 Green amendments to Rouge Park bill(OTTAWA) — Efforts to boost protection for  the Rouge National Urban Park were rejected last night, as...
  • Green Party of Canada speaks out against animal abuse

    Monday, 20 Oct 2014 - OTTAWA – The Green Party is appalled by the livestock transportation industry’s abuse and neglect of pigs, as revealed by a recent undercover investigation by the organization Mercy for Animals. In...
  • Today is National All Buffleheads Day

    Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014 - OTTAWA - The Green Party of Canada today celebrates the annual return of the Bufflehead, the world’s smallest diving duck, to the Saanich Peninsula.  These punctual sea ducks return to their winter...
  • Community calls for protection of Saanich Inlet ecosystem

    Thursday, 09 Oct 2014 - OTTAWA – Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP for Saanich–Gulf Islands, today tabled a petition on behalf of the Saanich Inlet Protection Society in the House of Commons calling...
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