Media Releases

  • Green Party Issues Arctic Wake-Up Call

    Monday, 27 Aug 2012 - All-Time Record Loss of World’ s Sea Ice Can No Longer Be Ignored OTTAWA – The Green Party today called on Stephen Harper to provide Canadians with the kind of leadership needed at a time of...
  • Reckless Promotion of Maritime Offshore Drilling Opposed

    Friday, 24 Aug 2012 - Provincial/Federal Governments/Agencies Must Represent Citizens, not Big Oil OTTAWA – This hasn't been a good week for Canadians who care about their environment.  The oil and gas industry on the...
  • World Humanitarian Day

    Sunday, 19 Aug 2012 - World Humanitarian Day, August 19, is a relatively new day of recognition.  It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2008 to acknowledge and honour those courageous people who...
  • Green Party Convention Featured Speakers

    Wednesday, 15 Aug 2012 - SIDNEY -- The Saanich-Gulf Islands riding association is proud to host the 2012 Green Party Convention in Sidney, BC, this weekend, August 17-19th, 2012 and welcomes tremendous speakers. “I’m so...
  • Oshawa Ethanol Plant More Greed Than Green?

    Monday, 13 Aug 2012 - Patronage, not the Environment Appears to be Behind Project OTTAWA – The Harper Conservatives’ latest move to support the building of a $200-million ethanol processing plant on Oshawa’s valuable...
  • Green Party National Convention Takes a Local Approach

    Sunday, 12 Aug 2012 - SAANICH-GULF ISLANDS -The Green Party is holding its 2012 National Convention in Sidney, BC, situated in the Saanich-Gulf Islands riding of its federal leader, Elizabeth May. In the 2011 Election,...
  • Harper Conservatives' Emission Cuts Are Just More Hot Air

    Thursday, 09 Aug 2012 - OTTAWA – The Harper Conservatives released their updated Canada’s Emissions Trends Report yesterday and, true to form, Environment Minister Peter Kent is determined to take credit for the fact that...
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