
    Iraq War is costly; accountability required.

    Media Release | Tuesday, 17 Feb 2015
    “I believe Stephen Harper has purposely misled the public about the true nature of the mission. He is hoping that instilling fear will blind Canadians to the costs and the risks.”- Elizabeth May  (...

    Statement by the Green Party of Canada – National Flag Day

    Statement | Sunday, 15 Feb 2015
    (OTTAWA) - Today marks the 50th birthday of the flag of Canada. The Green Party of Canada celebrates the rich cultural heritage that the Canadian flag has come to symbolize. “Our flag embodies the...

    Dear Bitumen - Breaking up with Fossil Fuels

    Blog | Friday, 13 Feb 2015
    Dear Bitumen, I must be blunt – I don’t know what we ever saw in you. You seemed popular, like all of the countries wanted to be with you. We thought maybe your exports could support us financially....

    Harper’s police state law

    Blog | Sunday, 08 Feb 2015
    (OTTAWA) - ​ I remember the events of October 22. While I was in lock-down on Parliament Hill, I remember who hid in a closet and who ran toward gun fire. The guy in the closet is now planning to...