
    Canada to sabotage Kyoto?

    Media Release | Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011
    OTTAWA - Environment Minister Peter Kent today promised that Canada would have no part in the second phase of Kyoto, despite repeated and urgent calls from the world’s scientists for developed...

    Congratulations to Saskatchewan Greens

    Media Release | Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011
    The federal Green Party sends congratulations for a great election effort toall of the Greens in Saskatchewan.   "I truly commend the wonderfulvolunteers in Saskatchewan for advancing the Green cause...


    Blog | Sunday, 06 Nov 2011
    If there is one convenient media put-down for the “Occupy Movement” it is that it has no coherent set of demands, no apparent leader and no clear organization. For Canadian commentators, including...

    Canadian could face 5 years in prison for peaceful protest

    Media Release | Saturday, 05 Nov 2011
    After visiting Bahrain, Naser al Raas, a Canadian citizen, was arrested, tortured, and held in solitary confinement for one month.  He was then released but has now been sentenced to charges that...

    Greens: Look Down Under to Get Over Double-Dip Recession Risk

    Media Release | Thursday, 27 Oct 2011
    Ottawa - The Green Party of Canada is calling on Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to explore the innovative Australian economic stimulus packages of  2008 and 2009 that helped that country - alone among...

    Religious Persecution Must End

    Media Release | Thursday, 27 Oct 2011
    Saanich-Gulf Islands Member of Parliament and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May has given her consent to a unanimous consent motion for a "take note" debate in Parliament on the threat to Coptic...

    Green Party of Canada Calls for Transparency on GM Salmon

    Media Release | Thursday, 27 Oct 2011
    As authorities in the United States and Canada are poised to approve genetically modified salmon, the Green Party of Canada urges Environment Canada to think twice.  “We won’t be able to put this...

    World Population Hits 7 Billion Mark

    Media Release | Wednesday, 26 Oct 2011
    The United Nations Population Fund has projected that the world will reach the milestone of 7 billion on October 31, 2011.  A new report entitled The State of the World Population 2011 reports on...