
    Switzerland and Nicaragua Weigh In

    Blog | Friday, 10 Dec 2010
    Switzerland: I am honoured to speak on behalf of the environmental integrity group (Mexico, Lichtenstein, Korea, Monaco).  We are developing and industrialized countries. And we can accept this...

    On-going Discussion

    Blog | Friday, 10 Dec 2010
    South Korea:If we do not succeed, our children will not forgive us. We have made good progress, back on the Bali Roadmap.  We have a balanced agreement, with LCA and KP.  Today's text clearly sets...


    Blog | Friday, 10 Dec 2010
    The Venezuelan Minister accepts apologies for difficult experience at the door. We know it was due to people being tired, and the situations were difficult. We think it is important for people to...

    President's Response to Bolivia and Statement from Peru

    Blog | Friday, 10 Dec 2010
    She apologizes to the claim she did not recognize Bolivia... No one knew they wanted the floor.  And she deftly suggests all the substantive concerns of Bolivia were handled in the consultations, so...

    Last Session -- Holding our Breath

    Blog | Friday, 10 Dec 2010
    After a further delay to allow another several hundred people to file into a room that was already full, the session is now called to order. President Espinosa thanks everyone for tireless work. My...

    Quick and Dirty Update

    Blog | Friday, 10 Dec 2010
    The President of the COP released new texts and called parties back for informal stock-taking.It has left me pinching myself. It is all beyond what I had hoped for.... It is not over yet.  So fingers...

    Tense Negotiations

    Blog | Thursday, 09 Dec 2010
    The intensity of negotiations ramped up as the available hours to negotiate draw to a close. The youth activists here have a powerful message on their t-shirts.  It is a quote from a young woman from...

    Baird's Speech

    Blog | Thursday, 09 Dec 2010
    No doubt, anyone who wants to read Baird’s speech can find it on his website.The words are jarring.  No one yet has given such an upbeat bullish speech.  "We are here to build on momentum.  The...

    Speeches and why I share them

    Blog | Thursday, 09 Dec 2010
    Hi all reading these blogs.  I want to share some of what occurs blow by blow.  Many sessions as behind closed doors. But the plenary today was hearing from Presidents and then Ministers. John Baird...

    A Strong and Clear Call for Action from Costa Rican VP

    Blog | Thursday, 09 Dec 2010
    Costa Rica's Vice-President Alfio Piva gave a speech with sweeping historical references.  He began by pointing out that we were meeting on Mayan soil -- in a land where a great civilization used to...