Addition of the term “economic” to Green Values in Constitution


WHEREAS social, economic and environmental issues must be integrated factors in development and sustainability and,
WHEREAS the Global Green Charter includes the term “economic,” but the stated values of the GPC do not.


Be it resolved that the word “economic” be added to ARTICLE 3.1 to read:

“3.1 To enhance the effectiveness of the Global Green Movement in creating a Green Society by providing an evolving social, economic and political structure that embraces and supports Green Values and offers itself as a voice for the broader Green Movement.”

Andy Park, Burt Folkins, Colin Griffiths, Colin Old, Cyrille Giraud, Danny Polifroni, Don Scott, Erich Jacoby-Hawkins, Frances Coates, Ian Soutar, Johan Hamels, Kay Foster, Marcus Madsen, Mario Leclerc, Mark MacKenzie, Norbert d'Costa, Sharon Danley, Stacey Leadbetter, Stephan Kliestch, Suzanne Lacourcière


This motion brings our Constitution in line with the Global Green Charter.

There is a need for the economic system to function efficiently so that we can afford the social and environmental priorities that are essential for our long term well being and global security. At present, as many prominent economists are expressing, our economic priorities over the past few decades are out of balance and a few now globally control most of the wealth and hence the political power. This is in no one’s long term interest. It is estimated that there are 220 million migrants in the world which can only mean global instability.We need to press for economic changes that provide greater equality and security on a global basis.



Proposal Type


Submitter Name

Joe Foster


WHEREAS social, economic and environmental issues must be integrated factors in development and sustainability and,
WHEREAS the Global Green Charter includes the term “economic,” but the stated values of the GPC do not.


Be it resolved that the word “economic” be added to ARTICLE 3.1 to read:

“3.1 To enhance the effectiveness of the Global Green Movement in creating a Green Society by providing an evolving social, economic and political structure that embraces and supports Green Values and offers itself as a voice for the broader Green Movement.”


Andy Park, Burt Folkins, Colin Griffiths, Colin Old, Cyrille Giraud, Danny Polifroni, Don Scott, Erich Jacoby-Hawkins, Frances Coates, Ian Soutar, Johan Hamels, Kay Foster, Marcus Madsen, Mario Leclerc, Mark MacKenzie, Norbert d'Costa, Sharon Danley, Stacey Leadbetter, Stephan Kliestch, Suzanne Lacourcière


This motion brings our Constitution in line with the Global Green Charter.

There is a need for the economic system to function efficiently so that we can afford the social and environmental priorities that are essential for our long term well being and global security. At present, as many prominent economists are expressing, our economic priorities over the past few decades are out of balance and a few now globally control most of the wealth and hence the political power. This is in no one’s long term interest. It is estimated that there are 220 million migrants in the world which can only mean global instability.We need to press for economic changes that provide greater equality and security on a global basis.