Nick Dickinson-Wilde

Federal Council - British Columbia

Hello fellow BC Green Party of Canada members! My name Nick Dickinson-Wilde (he/him), I first became a member of the GPC when I was 15 - before we had any elected representation - and have never stopped being a GPC supporter. What an extremely rocky few years we’ve had certainly the GPC, but also Canada and globally. Pandemic, increased nuclear tensions, climate change
hitting hard enough that most news sources are starting to make connections, rising conservatism, and extreme foot dragging from the centrist parties on making necessary changes both social and environmental.
The Green Party of Canada is a political party. Our stated goal is elected representation and that is not out of reach. BC can have more federal Green seats again but it will take hard work. The last couple of years haven’t made it easier, but at the same time, our leadership struggles are not unique. Look at the current struggle in the BC NDP with party leadership clearly trying to exclude Anjali Appadurai. Other parties have had similar internecine fighting and came back, so can we. In fact, some of the challenges of the world right now make it so it could be our time. Let us seize that!

So, what can we do to seize that? We must reach out and re-engage former members – if Anjali Appadurai is excluded from the BC NDP race or loses we will have a great opportunity that we should be ready to capitalize on - as well as building our EDAs up with new members. That is in many cases a job best done by an EDA but as BC Rep I would be there to support and help. I love door knocking and calling campaigns.

Last election, I was the GPC Nomination contestant (paper only) for Cloverdale - Langley City. I'm also treasurer on my local EDA (Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke), Secretary on my local BC Greens RA, and have organized and participated in calling and in person events in many ridings in the province (and beyond).


1) Nick Loughton 2) Devyani Singh 3) Keith Poore 4) Philip Spidle 5) Naomi Wilde