2024 Federal Council Elections Nomination Form

GPC's Federal Council and its committees are responsible for setting high-level strategic goals; for oversight of operations, plans, budgets and results; and for coordinating, with the input of members, staff and the Executive Director, the planning, implementation and reporting on annual and multi-year plans and budgets. While no experience is required, we seek eligible members who bring a commitment to accountability, transparency and the 6 principles to the Green Party of Canada.

Nominees are allowed to apply for only one Federal Council position. An incumbent Councillor in a position that would not otherwise be up for election who wishes to apply for election to a different position must advise the Executive Director to include their position in the upcoming elections.


We respect your privacy. Information that you provide in the "Eligibility" section will not be stored in our database, and will be handled only by authorized election officials.

Personal Information
Candidate Profile
The information in this section will be made available on our website to advertise your candidacy to our membership. It will be publicly accessible on the internet for the duration of the election.
Count: 0 words

After submitting your nominations package, please send proof of nominations from the people who have nominated you. This can be done by forwarding emails or screenshots from nominators (in which the member states that they are nominating you), or by sending us a scanned copy of signed nomination statements, to elections@greenparty.ca.
