Protect Marine Wildlife from Oil and Gas Exploration

The Liberal government is proposing to allow oil and gas exploration in the Laurentian Channel,  an area that it seeks to designate as a Marine Protected Area (MPA). While Canadians should be applauding the establishment of an MPA to protect marine wildlife — including endangered species — that protection has to guard against dangerous drilling, seismic blasting, and oil spills.

As the impacts of climate change are being felt around the world, with vulnerable species facing increased risks to their survival, invasive activities by the fossil fuel industry must be banned from these protected areas.

Join us in taking action to protect marine wildlife while staving off polluting carbon emissions. Sign our petition to Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister of Fisheries, Dominic LeBlanc, demanding that they ban any oil and gas activities within the Laurentian Channel.


Your message will be sent to:

  • Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister
  • Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries