Green Party Leader won't seek Re-election

Ottawa (24 April 2006) - Jim Harris announced today that he will not be seeking re-election as the Green Party's leader in the upcoming leadership race, "I am proud of what we have accomplished in the last three years and I'd like to thank the voters who put their trust in me and in the Green Party." Jim Harris put the Green Party of Canada on the political map in the 2004 election when the party exceeded all expectations collecting 4.3% of the popular vote and qualifying the Green Party for federal funding. "The 2004 and 2006 election results reflect the growing concern Canadians have for fiscal, social and ecological sustainability", said Harris, "When Canadians are told that their chances of getting cancer are 1 out of 2 and more and more parents have to watch their children suffer from asthma, they begin to understand the link between their health and the health of their ecosystem." Harris warned that Harper's blindness on environmental issues would hurt Canada's international relations and hinder economic development, "Canada's political and business elite need to take a few lessons from citizens who are doing their part to stem climate change. We need energy efficiency not expensive nuclear plants, we need to fund wind and solar energy projects, not subsidize oil companies, and we need to shift our thinking from a conservative agenda to a conservation agenda." Harris sees a bright future for the Green Party, "Green Party members are the most committed, passionate people. And why?" Asked Harris, "For future generations - for life itself." "In the next election, the Green Party will be included in the televised leaders' debates. With increased voter support, we will elect our first MPs and continue to put pressure on our government to implement positive change."