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  1. Greens concerned Fall Economic Statement falls short for Canadians

    ... the soon to be exhausted Greener Homes Initiative,” said Green Party of Canada Leader Elizabeth May, (MP Saanich-Gulf Islands). “The ...

    Crystal Rosas - 2023-11-21 13:39

  2. Greens to vote "No" on CPC’s Climate-Killing Motion

    ... against the cynical Pierre Poilievre and his no climate plan party's motion.  Carbon pricing is not only one of the most recent and ... expanding drilling for offshore oil,” said Elizabeth May, Green Party Leader. “But by pandering to climate tax detractors instead of ...

    Fabrice Lachance - 2023-11-06 11:00

  3. Leadership Contest Rules

    ... change (Ie: New member cut off deadlines for voting “All Party Members in good standing as of 11:59 PM Pacific Time on October 19th, ... Leadership Contest: 2022 contest to become the Leader of the Green Party of Canada, commencing on May 24, 2022 and ending on announcement of ...

    Laurence Montgo... - 2023-10-03 07:58