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  1. Student Debt

    ... all other work. We need to level the playing field. The Green Party will introduce legislation to ban unpaid internships in federally ...

    Katarina Dunham - 2015-09-18 19:21 - 0 comments

  2. COP17 enters home stretch

    ... look at the issue, seeing that the Protocol requires any party planning to withdraw must do so at least one full year before the end ... there are also key questions on financing, creation of the Green Climate Fund, progress on adaptation, the possibility of levies to be ...

    Elizabeth May - 2011-12-07 02:03 - 0 comments

  3. Community-based health research key to preventing diseases caused by environmental degradation

    ... communities. Before becoming Deputy Leader of the Green Party of Canada, I was an environmentalist working in communities where people ...

    Daniel Green - 2015-02-09 09:52 - 0 comments