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  1. Predictable cabinet decision on Enbridge project launches the fight to stop pipelines, tankers on the BC Coast

    ... that will be affected by the transport of dilbit in pipelines and tankers, and it's the wrong decision from the viewpoint of ...

    Nicholas Gall - 2014-06-17 14:33

  2. All together now: How we stop Enbridge’s pipelines and tankers

    ... acts of legislative vandalism to clear the way for bitumen pipelines. Those of us who wish to protect our climate, our coast lines, ...

    Elizabeth May - 2014-10-01 15:03 - 0 comments

  3. Green Party opposes the construction of any new gas or oil pipelines in Quebec

    MONTREAL - Concerned by the proposed construction of a new pipeline to carry liquefied natural gas (LNG) from southern Quebec to a plant in Nova Scotia, the Green Party of Canada is urging the federal government to convene an emergency meeti...

    Rosie Emery - 2021-05-11 06:53