Improving the Policy Development Process
WHEREAS the Green Party of Canada is dedicated to grassroots, participatory policy development, prudent fiscal management, and resource conservation;
WHEREAS the policy development process of the Green Party of Canada already ensures all members have a vote on policy motions both before and during General Meetings;
WHEREAS section 10.3.1 of the GPC Constitution currently states the following:
“Policy motions passed at a General Meeting shall only become effective upon Members in good standing passing an identically worded resolution by a vote of greater than 1/2 (50%) of the votes cast in a Members' vote conducted by mail-in ballot, with a ballot return date of no later than one-hundred-twenty (120) days following the General Meeting at which the Policy resolution was passed.”;
WHEREAS the second vote on policy motions outlined in section 10.3.1 is unnecessary and excessively taxing on the resources of the party;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT section 10.3.1 of the GPC Constitution be rescinded.
Type de résolution
Commentaire officiel du parti
Article 10.3.1, added by resolution G06-c03a (Defending the Party Against Takeover), was in part to defend the Party against a small group of Party members at a General Meeting from setting Policy (as defined in Article 7.3.11) that would then be binding on the Party as per Article 4.1. Article 10.3.1 ensures that all Party members have a say in General Meeting adopted Policy.
WHEREAS the Green Party of Canada is dedicated to grassroots, participatory policy development, prudent fiscal management, and resource conservation;
WHEREAS the policy development process of the Green Party of Canada already ensures all members have a vote on policy motions both before and during General Meetings;
WHEREAS section 10.3.1 of the GPC Constitution currently states the following:
“Policy motions passed at a General Meeting shall only become effective upon Members in good standing passing an identically worded resolution by a vote of greater than 1/2 (50%) of the votes cast in a Members' vote conducted by mail-in ballot, with a ballot return date of no later than one-hundred-twenty (120) days following the General Meeting at which the Policy resolution was passed.”;
WHEREAS the second vote on policy motions outlined in section 10.3.1 is unnecessary and excessively taxing on the resources of the party;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT section 10.3.1 of the GPC Constitution be rescinded.
Commentaire officiel du parti
Article 10.3.1, added by resolution G06-c03a (Defending the Party Against Takeover), was in part to defend the Party against a small group of Party members at a General Meeting from setting Policy (as defined in Article 7.3.11) that would then be binding on the Party as per Article 4.1. Article 10.3.1 ensures that all Party members have a say in General Meeting adopted Policy.