Come and mingle with Green Party Leaders for an intimate cocktail hour prior to the Green Party of BC's 30th Anniversary celebration and Campaign Kickoff. Please join us for the rest of the evening where we will recognize and celebrate our past as we look to the future.
Join Dr. Jane Sterk, Leader of the Green Party of BC, Elizabeth May - MP for Saanich and the Islands and Leader of the Green Party of Canada, Adriane Carr Vancouver City Councillor - Green Party, and Dr. Andrew Weaver, Deputy Leader of the Green Party of BC.
This is your opportunity to discover the Green Party’s vision for BC. This is also an opportunity to find out why these remarkable people have dedicated themselves to the Green Party. Why has Adriane Carr stuck with it for 30 years? Why has Andrew Weaver decided run when he when he is at the top of his field? Why does Elizabeth May give 80 to 90 hrs a week to her job? Why does Jane Sterk, accomplished entrepreneur and PhD, decide to become the Leader of the BC Greens?
February 22, 2013 at 6pm - 7pm
H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
1100 Chestnut St
Vancouver, BC V6J 3J9 Canada
For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.