STEP 1: Choose your size and model.

Download our hand sign templates by clicking on links below. Templates will download as a condensed Zip folder, which you can forward to your local print shop along with your candidate’s information.

8.5 x 11

12 x 18

STEP 2: Find a local print shop.

To find a local print shop that offers signs, go to Google and search for terms like “sign printing near me” or “custom signs [your city]”. Check the Google Maps results to find nearby businesses, read reviews, and visit their websites for pricing.

STEP 3: Download and send to the print shop.

Quantity: To get the best per-unit price, we recommend ordering all signs at once. If you’re unsure about how many signs to order, contact our mobilizing team via Tip — If you’re running a small campaign, 250 small flags is suitable.

STEP 4: Ask the print shop for proofs and a timeline.

Once you’re happy with the proofs, approve the designs and wait for your Green material. If you need assistance with our campaign products, please reach out to