Community Safety
Our goal is to have a Green online space that is respectful, constructive, and in line with Green Party of Canada (GPC) values. We welcome questions, comments, and replies that contribute to and enhance discussions.
However, we have an absolute zero tolerance for:
- Profanity
- Harassment
- Discrimination
- Trolling
- Spam
- Content that is in violation of social media platforms’ user terms of agreement
- Any other content that renders our social media spaces unsafe for any community members
Content falling into the above categories will be deleted, and depending on the nature of the content, users may be banned from our social media communities. We may also report content or users to the social media platform.
If you encounter any inappropriate content or behavior on our social media platforms, please report it directly to us at We will review all reports and take appropriate action.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the GPC’s online moderation, you can send an email to For more information please read our Members’ Code of Conduct and the Green Party’s Values.
Please note that there are only six (6) official GPC social media accounts.
- Facebook –
- Twitter EN –
- Twitter FR –
- Instagram –
- Bluesky –
- LinkedIn –
Although there are many other accounts that appear to be “official”, GPC did not create them and does not administer, moderate, or endorse them.
Replies and Confidentiality
Due to the volume of posts, comments, and messages we receive, we cannot commit to answering each one. If you have a specific question or issue, please send it to along with your address, postal code, and phone number. This will ensure your message stays confidential and that we can determine how best to help you.
Thank you for being part of our online community and helping us maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all.