Candidate Application Form
We’re so glad that you’re considering running for the Green Party of Canada — thank you! Our grassroots movement is powered by people like you stepping up to make a difference for our communities.
We know that deciding to run for political office can be difficult, especially for people who haven’t always seen themselves represented in the House of Commons. It’s time for a Parliament that reflects the diversity of this country, and so we especially encourage you to apply if you are an Indigenous person, racialized person, person with a disability, woman, LGBTQIA2S+ person, and/or a member of any other equity-seeking group.
This form will be your first step towards becoming a Green candidate and will help us get to know you better. We’ll do our best to explain why we’re asking these questions and how we’ll use the information you share. The application will take between 15 to 30 minutes to complete, and you will be able to save your progress as you go. Once you have submitted your application, we will review your information and be in touch about next steps.
If you have any questions, need accommodations, or would like to submit additional materials, feel free to get in touch! You can email us at to speak with our Mobilizing team. We’re excited to get to know you better!