George Orr
Federal Council - Vice President - English 377-2736
If you’re happy with the Green Party status quo, don’t vote for me.
Google me. I’m a professional storyteller. And right now, our Green story is one of disarray.
We keep squandering our momentum. Canadians should see a collection of good people who just want to make the world a better place. But the people who run this party (you thought you did, right?) seem more interested in keeping quiet control over their territory than empowering the pent-up Green wave.
Transparency? Not so much. Embracing the membership to create a winning force? Not much here either? Unveiling the next grand election plan? Well, no
We keep electing folks who promise change. Things keep getting worse. Our polling stinks. Candidates and loyal members are walking away disillusioned and the leader is in the headlines for all the wrong reasons.
Like the climate, our party is in danger of collapse. We ALL need to be on the same page. This is our time. Or it should be.
Transparency, communication, accountability, and pro-active collaborative engagement.
I’ve run for the party and pushed for these changes as hard as I can.
But head office doesn’t seem to listen.
I’ve connected with a lot of you and hear the same lament across our country.
As VP English on the Federal Council and as an impatient Green I will help drive our party back to where it belongs: the only choice for real change.