Demand real action on climate change

From coast to coast to coast, political inaction and our dependence on fossil fuels is causing real harm to Canadians. Every year we see an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters related to climate change. The climate crisis must be taken seriously and we must act quickly.

Add your name to demand bold climate action.

Severe flooding has recently affected Quebec. On Monday, May 1st, high winds and rain caused trees to fall and 70,000 people were left without power. In Baie-Saint-Paul, about 95 kilometers northeast of Quebec City, flooding cut off the town from the rest of the province. While Quebec is dealing with flooding, Alberta is on fire. A state of emergency has been declared in the province of Alberta, where nearly 25,000 people have been forced from their homes due to evacuation orders related to more than 100 wildfires.

The floods and wildfires that have affected the country in recent weeks must be understood and analyzed in the broader context of the global climate crisis. These are not isolated events.


Join us in calling for bold climate action from our government. Add your name to demand that our leaders take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, invest in renewable energy, and protect our communities from the devastating impacts of climate change.

Together, we can make a difference.