Since August 2006, it has been my honour to serve as the leader of the Green Party of Canada. That’s the title. The truth is the real leadership of this party is the grassroots—our membership—and above and beyond that, the values that inspire us all.
The Green Party is not like any of Canada’s other political parties. Our mission is to rescue grassroots democracy from the hyper-partisan spin that makes voters recoil. Our goal is to ensure that the planet, the biosphere and our part of it, survive and thrive for our children and theirs and theirs...
We stand on our principles—Global Green Values shared by Greens around the world. Green Party MPs serve in more than 30 parliaments, implementing policies that create jobs in a new green economy based on reducing waste, full employment and wealth created through innovation and the next clean technology revolution.
Since May 2011, it has been my honour to serve as the Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands. As an MP, I put these values, the concerns of my constituents and grassroots democracy above short-terms partisan interests. I am convinced that if all MPs were allowed to do so, Canada’s government would make better decisions. We need to put the common good above private greed. We need to reduce the growing gap between the rich and the poor. We need governments that make decisions based on science, not ones that cook the books to find “evidence” to support wrong-headed decisions.
You deserve political representation that makes you proud of the choice you made on Election Day.
Join us.