Green Party of Canada Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the 2014 Attack on Parliament Hill

OTTAWA - Today marks ten years since the tragic and heartbreaking attack on Parliament Hill, where Corporal Nathan Cirillo was senselessly killed while standing guard at the National War Memorial.

On this solemn anniversary, we reflect on the courage and sacrifice that marked that terrible day. Our thoughts are with Corporal Cirillo’s loved ones, who continue to live with the pain of his loss. His death was an unimaginable tragedy, and we must never forget the sacrifice he made in service to his country.

“I want to express my enduring gratitude to the heroes whose quick actions prevented even more harm inside the Parliament complex,” said Leader Elizabeth May. “Former Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers, Const. Curtis Barrett, and Const. Samearn Son, who despite being unarmed, acted with extraordinary bravery. Const. Son’s selflessness in taking a gunshot to his leg to stop the attacker is a testament to his courage and resolve.”

We owe a deep debt of thanks to all members of the Parliamentary Protective Services and to the brave residents of Ottawa who risked their lives to stay with Corporal Cirillo on that dark day. Their courage exemplifies the best of our nation, and we will always remember their heroic actions.

However, while we honour the memory of those affected by this tragic event, it is important that we continue to seek answers. Today, I call once again for a full inquiry into the 2014 attack—a process that, to date, has never taken place.

"It is never too late to actually look with fresh eyes at what happened," added Elizabeth May. "We want to know how and why this tragedy occurred. The families, the public, and all those affected deserve a deeper understanding of the events that led to this senseless act of violence."

The purpose of this inquiry is not only to seek justice and accountability but to ensure that we learn from this tragedy so that we may better protect our institutions and citizens in the future. Canada must remain vigilant and committed to transparency and security for all.


For more information or to arrange an interview : 

Fabrice Lachance Nové

Press secretary
