

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Wednesday, 12 May 2010
    The new global chutzpah award should go to Sarah Palin.  (If there were such an award.  I will translate the Yiddish word “Chutzpah” as an “amazing, stunning amount of gall,” and await a correction...

    Decorum in the House

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Friday, 30 Apr 2010
    Further to my last blog, I want to share an effort to improve the behaviour in the House moved by none-other than Michael Chong, whom I mentioned favourably in my last blog, and jointly seconded by...

    Culture Wars

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Thursday, 29 Apr 2010
    Parliament is not a happy place.  If anything, it has gotten worse since when I wrote Losing Confidence.  This week I have been in Ottawa, for the Speaker’s ruling and other events.  Going to...


    Blog | Elizabeth May | Thursday, 15 Apr 2010
    While reporters scratch their heads and keep digging to unravel the mystery of why the Prime Minister called the RCMP on his former minister for the Status of Women, they seem so obsessed that other...

    Scientists at East Anglia vindicated by U.K. House of Commons

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Sunday, 04 Apr 2010
    After months of having allegations of fraudulent behaviour trumpeted in the media (huge spread in the Globe and Mail, and Margaret Wente erroneously claiming the emails were “leaked”, similar...

    Budget as Bulldozer: Take two

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Thursday, 01 Apr 2010
    Last year, I wrote a blog with this title.  I was shocked to find the 2009 Budget Implementation Bill was being used to gut the Navigable Water Protection Act (NWPA).  The NWPA had been cornerstone...

    The tar ponds “clean-up” will not work

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Wednesday, 24 Mar 2010
    CBC News announced today that the clean up of the tar ponds has begun. The country’s worst toxic waste site will be completely remediated by the mid-1990s. Sorry.  Wrong press release.  That was the...

    POP Quiz for Democracy fans!

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Saturday, 20 Mar 2010
    OK, everyone really committed to regaining democracy in Canada; can you spot the whopper in the following statement from the Prime Minister? “Do I realistically expect that everybody who works for me...

    Airport Tantrums

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Friday, 19 Mar 2010
    I am writing a blog about this because I think I am the only person in political life who remembers Alan Redway. Alan Redway was a Progressive Conservative MP in the Mulroney government.  If memory...
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