
    Hugo Chavez - Venezuela

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Wednesday, 16 Dec 2009
    Comments from the President of Venezuela: Back to the earlier concerns over the lack of transparency.  Bolivia said earlier, the text presented is not democratic or inclusive.  A new document? Top...

    International Leaders Speak

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Wednesday, 16 Dec 2009
    The system of national governments negotiating is a "Fundamentally dysfunctional political system."  Prime Minister Zenawi of Ethiopia speaking on behalf of all countries of Africa. "Not here as...

    Nothing Like it

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Wednesday, 16 Dec 2009
    I have never seen anything like this.  The meeting was adjourned for Environment Minister Connie Hedegaard to be replaced by the Danish PM to introduce leader after leader for speeches. BUT before...


    Blog | Elizabeth May | Wednesday, 16 Dec 2009
    It is in the air. The sense of imminent defeat, fake success photos ops and a clamp down as a street demo is making police extra nervous.  Kids on the street this AM were being asked by police for...

    Tuesday Update

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Tuesday, 15 Dec 2009
    The story today is Canada and the real leak. Not the spoof press release of yesterday. (Today a group called the "Yes Men" took responsibility for the hoax press release in which Canada reversed...

    Long Day

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Monday, 14 Dec 2009
    My day started forcing myself out of bed with the aim of being at the front of the line for credentials when the process was set to resume at 8 AM.  We had tried on Saturday, waiting in line an hour...

    Sunday Update

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Sunday, 13 Dec 2009
    Getting into the conference centre was hugely difficult. A ring of Danish police kept anyone without a reason to be in the centre OUT...and since the centre is closed today for security sweeps.......

    Saturday in Copenhagen

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Saturday, 12 Dec 2009
    The first thing to strike a Canadian en route to COP15 is the dominance of the climate talks in billboards and public spaces well before you reach Copenhagen.  Starting in London at Heathrow,...

    December 12 - Vigils, vigils everywhere

    Blog | Catharine Johannson | Wednesday, 09 Dec 2009
    This Saturday, Greens across Canada will join with millions around the world to participate in local candlelight vigils to mark the mid-point in the intensive climate change negotiations taking place...

    DeSmogBlog Comments Require Response

    Blog | Elizabeth May | Saturday, 05 Dec 2009
    I am a neophyte in the blogosphere.  The first time something I have written for the Green Party site has been widely picked up was my article on the East Anglia scientists and the stolen emails. ...
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