MONTREAL – The Green Party of Canada is calling on Environment Canada to secure the site of a toxic water spill from a now closed recycling operation in this community west of Montreal. The three streams that run through the site carry toxic waste and then discharge it into the Lake of Two Mountains.

"Given that all the information is available and the federal government is still slow to act, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Environment must hold an inquiry with witnesses," said Green Party Shadow Cabinet Environment Critic Daniel Green. "A public inquiry is also needed to get to the bottom of this.

"We have to respectfully demand more from the federal government. I know the ministers involved are concerned and find the situation complex, but that is no answer to people concerned by toxic contamination and threats of violence to community members. The problematic context of this toxic waste dumping site has been known for a long time," said Green Party Leader Elizabeth May. "If this was in any white and wealthy community, the situation would not be tolerated.  We are dealing with environmental racism."

"Members of the Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) community of Kanesatake are asking for help. The federal government must answer the call," said Deputy Chief Jonathan Pedneault. "We need to decontaminate a landfill that could affect the water quality of one of the most important lakes in Quebec."

Action is needed immediately. This is an urgent situation.

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For more information or to arrange an interview:

Fabrice Lachance Nové

Press Secretary
