
    Elizabeth May, MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands Holds Town Halls

    Media Advisory | Thursday, 07 Jan 2016
    (OTTAWA) – Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands and Leader of the Green Party of Canada is holding a series of Town Halls throughout the riding in January 2016. Town Halls...

    COP21 Final Blog - Day 13

    Blog | Sunday, 13 Dec 2015
    The morning after 13 days- 3 all nighters… And the Paris Agreement is accepted.  The COP21 decision is agreed.  What does it all mean? I have been working on climate for the last 29 years.   In that...

    COP21 Blog Update - Day 12

    Blog | Saturday, 12 Dec 2015
    Yesterday, December 11th, was a day of suspended animation. So forgive me for not writing my daily blog yesterday. To make up for it, you'll likely get two today. At 5:30 AM Friday the all-night "...

    Green Party welcomes Syrian refugees to their new home

    Media Release | Thursday, 10 Dec 2015
    (OTTAWA) - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich-Gulf Islands),  extends a warm welcome to the first group of Syrian refugees arriving this evening at Pearson...

    The Green Party of Canada Commemorates Human Rights Day

    Media Release | Thursday, 10 Dec 2015
    (OTTAWA) - Today, on Human Rights Day, the Green Party recognizes the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. “Canada played a lead role...

    COP21 Blog Update - December 10

    Blog | Thursday, 10 Dec 2015
    After 5 hours of commentary, complaint and suggested possibilities for compromise, the informal round of talks called an "indaba" broke up at 5 am. If President Fabius (who personally chaired this...

    An opportunity to fix what was broken

    Media Release | Wednesday, 09 Dec 2015
    (OTTAWA)  - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich-Gulf Islands), announced today that she has placed a number of motions on the order paper to serve as a starting point...