
    Elizabeth May welcomes new cabinet

    Media Release | Wednesday, 04 Nov 2015
    “It’s time to restore a civil, dignified, and respectful Parliament” (OTTAWA) – Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich – Gulf Islands), welcomed the decision of new Prime...

    Why it matters to appoint a Cabinet with gender balance

    Blog | Wednesday, 04 Nov 2015
    I don’t know about you, but I have been astonished at the many media pundits who question Justin Trudeau’s decision to appoint a Cabinet with gender parity. The CBC panel on November 1 with Walrus...

    Fixing What Harper Broke - Part Two

    Blog | Monday, 02 Nov 2015
    Fixing What Harper Broke – Part Two The first “to-do” list focussed on changes to policy and legislation brought in under the Harper administration. But the damage was not confined to omnibus laws...

    Green Party Statement on Tragedy in Tofino

    Statement | Monday, 26 Oct 2015
    (OTTAWA) –Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich – Gulf Islands), issued the following statement after a tour vessel from a Tofino whale-watching company sank Sunday...