
    Green Party Announces National Housing Strategy

    Media Release | Tuesday, 25 Aug 2015
    Elizabeth May outlines plan to provide a home for every Canadian(OTTAWA) - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada (Saanich – Gulf Islands), unveiled the Green Party’s plan to invest in...

    Thomas Mulcair Backs Out of Women’s Debate

    Media Release | Tuesday, 25 Aug 2015
    (OTTAWA) - Thomas Mulcair is letting down Canadians in changing his mind about his participation in a debate focused on women’s issues, said Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada (...

    Campaign Blog - Day 22

    Blog | Tuesday, 25 Aug 2015
    Another day, another debate cancelled.  The “Up for Debate” coalition (including Amnesty International, Oxfam, YWCA, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Canadian Labour Congress, Council of...

    Elizabeth May: Leader’s Schedule, Tuesday, August 25, 2015

    Media Advisory | Monday, 24 Aug 2015
    (OTTAWA) - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and candidate (Saanich-Gulf Islands), is in BC’s Lower Mainland tomorrow.  Press Conference and Community Town Hall: Announcing the Green...

    Campaign Blog - Day 21

    Blog | Monday, 24 Aug 2015
    Today I campaigned in three ridings on southern Vancouver Island. My own as well as in Cowichan Malahat Langford for Fran Hunt-Jinouchi and in Victoria with Jo-Ann Roberts. What a dynamic team. The...

    Elizabeth May: Leader’s Schedule, Monday, August 24, 2015

    Media Advisory | Monday, 24 Aug 2015
    (OTTAWA) -  Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and candidate (Saanich-Gulf Islands),  is in Cowichan-Malahat-Langford, Victoria and her home riding of Saanich-Gulf Islands today. Ms....

    Campaign Blog – Day 20

    Blog | Saturday, 22 Aug 2015
    It’s hard to imagine the sloppiness of Conservative staff.  In the tight bubble around Stephen Harper every event is planned to the last detail... except for the announcement of $15 million to the...