
    Campaign Blog - Day 13

    Blog | Sunday, 16 Aug 2015
    I write this on board the flight to Montreal. Tomorrow is Montreal Pride Parade and we have a big announcement. Meanwhile I spent my morning and early afternoon knocking on doors in the Broadmead...

    Leader's Schedule: Sunday, August 16, 2015

    Media Advisory | Saturday, 15 Aug 2015
    (OTTAWA) -  Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich-Gulf Islands), attends events in Montreal, QC tomorrow. Ms. May joins Green Party of Canada Deputy Leaders Daniel Green ...

    Campaign Blog - Day 12

    Blog | Friday, 14 Aug 2015
    Up with the sun to be sure of a spot on the 7:30 AM ferry from Brentwood Bay to Mill Bay and the drive to Nanaimo. Today the national Green focus was on veterans and the shabby way the Harper...

    Green Party Unveils Plan to Support Veterans

    Media Release | Friday, 14 Aug 2015
    (OTTAWA) - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich – Gulf Islands), today unveiled the Green Party’s plan to reverse damaging cuts to services and support for our veterans...

    Campaign Blog - Day 11

    Blog | Friday, 14 Aug 2015
    In this election, Greens are showing that we are not a one-issue party. And we are showing we are not a one-person party. Green candidates across the country are passionate about our planet, our...

    Leader's Schedule: Friday, August 14, 2015

    Media Advisory | Thursday, 13 Aug 2015
    (OTTAWA) - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich-Gulf Islands), travels from her home riding of Saanich-Gulf Islands to Nanaimo on Friday for an election plank...

    Campaign Blog - Day 10

    Blog | Thursday, 13 Aug 2015
    Today was International Youth Day, and what could be more appropriate than meeting with impressive young women from across Canada. Jo-Ann Roberts and I enjoyed a lively conversation at the Lilith 400...

    Leader's Schedule: Thursday, August 13, 2015

    Media Advisory | Wednesday, 12 Aug 2015
    (OTTAWA) - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich-Gulf Islands), participates in events in her home riding of Saanich-Gulf Islands, British Columbia, on Thursday, August...