
    May Releases Personal MP Expenses; Challenges Others

    Media Release | Wednesday, 19 Jun 2013
    OTTAWA - Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands, has once again made her MP office and personal expense claims public, as she has done since being elected, hoping her fellow MPs...

    Greens Warn about Surveillance Threat to Democracy

    Media Release | Thursday, 13 Jun 2013
    OTTAWA - Canadians have a right to know how much clandestine surveillance is being carried out on the Canadian public, said Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands.   “We first...

    May, Laraque Kick Off Canada’s Green Quebec Wing AGM

    Media Release | Wednesday, 12 Jun 2013
    Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands, and Deputy Leader Georges Laraque will kick off the weekend-long 2013 AGM for the Quebec wing of the Green Party of Canada by speaking at...

    Threats to Oceans Growing “As Never Before”

    Statement | Friday, 07 Jun 2013
    Today is World Oceans Day.  As Green Party Leader Elizabeth May wrote in Embassy News recently, it is “a rare time when we actually turn our attention to the source of life on earth.  As terrestrial...

    Time to Put the Pieces of the Puzzle in Place

    Blog | Thursday, 06 Jun 2013
    If all the key pieces of Canada’s energy future – the climate crisis, a prosperous economy, labour issues, east-west connectivity, energy efficiency, technological innovation, federal-provincial...