
    10 Reasons Why Harper Isn't Really Canadian

    Blog | Thursday, 06 Jun 2013
    In a Global interview with Laura Stone, I am quoted as saying that Stephen Harper is "not Canadian." Having lunch with a reporter on virtually no sleep is a high risk proposition, but I didn't say...

    Greens Mark D-Day Sacrifices for Democracy

    Media Release | Thursday, 06 Jun 2013
    OTTAWA -  Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands, today marks the anniversary of D-Day, the allied landings in Normandy, France, designed to establish a bridgehead on the western...

    UN World Environment Day More Relevant Than Ever

    Statement | Wednesday, 05 Jun 2013
    The Green Party of Canada celebrates the UN’s World Environment Day (WED) today along with nations and citizens around the globe.  Founded in 1972, this annual event is designed to promote positive...

    Oceans at risk like never before

    Blog | Tuesday, 04 Jun 2013
    Acidification is the equally evil twin’ of the climate crisis. Today, June 5, is World Environment Day, and June 8 is World Oceans Day, with the full week marked in Canada by legislation as...

    Greens Support First Nation Challenge to Canada-China Treaty

    Media Release | Tuesday, 04 Jun 2013
    OTTAWA - The Green Party continues to throw its full support behind the British-Columbia-based Hupacasath as the First Nation prepares to appear in federal court Wednesday to Friday. The Hupacasath...

    May Recognized for Lifelong Environmental Work

    Media Release | Friday, 31 May 2013
    OTTAWA - The Green Party of Canada is proud to announce that Leader Elizabeth May, MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands, yesterday received a citation from the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (...