
    The Biggest Story of 2011 for Me? Weather Gone Wild

    Blog | Thursday, 29 Dec 2011
    It is proving more difficult than I had expected to pick one event worthy of the superlative "Biggest Story of 2011." The May election brought many changes to the face of Parliament. Each party was...

    What I gave to every Member of Parliament

    Blog | Friday, 23 Dec 2011
    I had not been planning to give every Member of Parliament a present for Christmas/Hanukkah/holiday break, but the story of what I gave and why is, in its own right, a way of sharing the best of this...

    Unpublished Letter to the Editor: MP Attendance Records

    Blog | Friday, 16 Dec 2011
    To the editor,Your story on the high absenteeism in Parliament of many MPs and leadership hopefuls contains one major omission. You forgot to mention that Green Party leader Elizabeth May has one of...

    Withdrawal from Kyoto Appalling

    Media Release | Tuesday, 13 Dec 2011
    OTTAWA - The Green Party of Canada is appalled by the Harper government’s decision to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol.  “It is extremely shocking that Canada has chosen to withdraw just days after...

    Last thoughts on the Durban package

    Blog | Sunday, 11 Dec 2011
    Alright, probably not last thoughts.  Analysis and review will continue for months if not years.By some lights it was a breakthrough to have China and India and Brazil talking about targets -- even...

    Deal in Durban - Day 8

    Blog | Saturday, 10 Dec 2011
    I and a couple thousand others just pulled an all-nighter here in Durban. We have a deal. The deal is that we now have a follow up to the Kyoto Protocol. There are some things that are good about it...

    Overtime in Durban - Day 7

    Blog | Saturday, 10 Dec 2011
    It’s just gone midnight here in Durban. Officially the agenda was supposed to end at 5 pm Friday. So we are now 31 hours over - and counting. Earlier today smaller groupings of countries were meeting...