
    Elizabeth May to run again in Saanich-Gulf Islands

    Media Release | Tuesday, 20 Apr 2021
    OTTAWA  – Green Party Leader Annamie Paul congratulates Elizabeth May on being acclaimed as the party’s candidate in Saanich-Gulf Islands for the next federal election.  Ms. May was elected to...

    Remembering the victims of Nova Scotia mass shooting

    Statement | Sunday, 18 Apr 2021
    OTTAWA  – The Green Party of Canada joins with all Canadians today to remember the 22 people killed and three others injured during the mass shooting that unfolded across 16 locations in Portapique,...

    Paul Manly to run again in Nanaimo-Ladysmith

    Media Release | Friday, 16 Apr 2021
    OTTAWA  –  Green Party Leader Annamie Paul congratulates Paul Manly (MP, Nanaimo-Ladysmith), on being acclaimed as the party’s candidate in Nanaimo-Ladysmith, B.C. Mr. Manly won a historic victory...

    Green Party Statement for Puthandu

    Statement | Wednesday, 14 Apr 2021
    OTTAWA  – Today marks the beginning of the festival of Puthandu, the Tamil New Year, a time when houses are colourfully decorated with kolams – auspicious symbols of divinity and people gather for...