
    Our stand on Kyoto in under one minute...

    Blog | Sunday, 18 Feb 2007
    WHAT our Kyoto targets/commitments are: Canada is legally bound under international law to a target of 6% below 1990 levels between 2008-2012 (with reductions achieved on average in each year) WHY we...

    Women Journalists

    Blog | Thursday, 08 Feb 2007
    In response to the increasing sexism on the floor of the House of Commons, a group of women in the Parliamentary Press Gallery started a non-partisan evening for parliamentarians and journalists and...

    Let's Talk Trash: UK Greens take on Microsoft Vista

    Blog | Thursday, 01 Feb 2007
    UK Green party slams Vista Landfill nightmare Microsoft's latest operating system, due for release tomorrow, is defective by design, putting Microsoft and the corporate media in control of your...

    A Smart Way to Travel?

    Blog | Wednesday, 31 Jan 2007
    I love being green. You get to try new ways of doing things to make things better. In this case, I took a 600 km road trip from Calgary to Edmonton and return in a Smart Car with my buddy David. Now...

    My Glamorous Life

    Blog | Saturday, 27 Jan 2007
    I write this from seat 55 on the Greyhound bus headed to Guelph from Toronto. If you travel a lot on Greyhound, you may know that seat 55 is the last and least desirable seat on the bus It is in...

    Harper’s first year

    Blog | Wednesday, 24 Jan 2007
    I have been on the road non-stop. Once the Nova Scotia swing was completed, I left the next morning for British Columbia. Since Saturday I have been in Vancouver, Kelowna, Victoria and Salt Spring...

    The purpose of blogging

    Blog | Wednesday, 17 Jan 2007
    Blogs on this site are personal opinions of the authors and therefore are not official positions or policies of the Party. The intent of these blogs is to open dialogues between our supporters. One...

    Long time, no blog

    Blog | Wednesday, 17 Jan 2007
    I realized I had been slacking off when a reporter asked me yesterday if I had decided to stop blogging… Truth is I took a break over Christmas and I celebrate a really long Christmas. All twelve...

    Push back against the holiday shop-a-thon

    Blog | Wednesday, 13 Dec 2006
    Christmas and Hanukah are around the corner. Even for those who do not celebrate a religious tradition as this time of year, the season cannot go unnoticed! As someone who tries to “walk the talk”...

    Dialogue of the Deaf

    Blog | Tuesday, 12 Dec 2006
    Watching Question Period from the gallery is a bleak form of entertainment. The behaviour continues to be raucous and rude, especially from the Conservative benches. There is so much yelling that the...