
    The work of a federal political leader is never done

    Blog | Sunday, 10 Dec 2006
    It has been a long time since I wrote something for wide-spread indiscriminate public consumption. I think it was the morning after the by-election, November 28... a day in which I did 22 interviews...

    Great results!

    Blog | Tuesday, 28 Nov 2006
    Good morning. It's just after 7 AM and three interviews down! National CBC TV, Metro Morning to Toronto and Sydney NS... 10 more to go that we know of. The media are (of course) not calling Glen...

    Dear Santa

    Blog | Sunday, 26 Nov 2006
    My 15-year-old daughter has written another blog entry and I thought I'd like to share it in the spot where my blog should be! It is going well. Please continue to alert your friends in London that...

    Joy to the World

    Blog | Thursday, 23 Nov 2006
    Those of you reading my blog at a distance have, I hope, gotten some kind of sense of our bustling office. The to-ing and fro-ing of volunteers, the team list including “the soup lady” (Mary Margaret...

    "Unfair Advantage"

    Blog | Monday, 20 Nov 2006
    We are now on a 7 day count down, but since you cannot campaign on election day, make that six. Tonight was our third all-candidates debate, although all of them could be called the "some candidates...

    Princess for a Day

    Blog | Sunday, 19 Nov 2006
    Sorry, folks, I have been too busy to write something fresh the last day or so. My 15 year old daughter wrote this blog and I thought I'd like to share it in the spot where my blog should be! It is...

    A day in a campaign... 12 days 'til Voting Day!

    Blog | Wednesday, 15 Nov 2006
    This campaign gives no margin for error. Twelve days to go. And there has still not been a single all candidates meeting. Nevertheless, I am meeting as many local citizens as possible every day....

    The World According to Garth

    Blog | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006
    Forgive me. I am a big John Irving fan. I am also a bad punster. (thus not able to resist an allusion to the best-seller, "The World according to Garp.") And overwhelmingly, I am grateful to the...

    Of Garth and David ...

    Blog | Monday, 13 Nov 2006
    It is funny how sometimes two completely unrelated events can get linked in media speculation. Since I generally find that Canadian journalists take 2 and 2 and get 4, I wanted to post something to...


    Blog | Saturday, 11 Nov 2006
    My grandfather translated the Armistice on 11/11/11. A young American Naval officer from South Carolina, he spoke perfect French and was useful as an aide to the negotiating team. He emerged...