
    Green Party Statement on Hanukkah

    Statement | Sunday, 22 Dec 2019
    HALIFAX  — From sundown this evening until nightfall on December 30, Jews around the world will light the menorah each night to celebrate Hanukkah, the festival of lights. To commemorate the occasion...

    Premier McNeil Announces No Extension for Boat Harbour

    Statement | Friday, 20 Dec 2019
    Christmas came early for Pictou Landing First Nation. Premier Stephen McNeil  announced there will be no extension to the Boat Harbour Act. This means the effluent treatment plant for the Northern...

    Green Party cautiously welcomes new CUSMA trade deal

    Media Release | Friday, 13 Dec 2019
    OTTAWA  — The Green Party of Canada welcomes the improvements in the final NAFTA 2.1 (officially the Canada-United States-Mexico-Agreement, or CUSMA) signed this week in Mexico, but still sees flaws...

    Green Party Statement on Human Rights Day

    Statement | Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019
    OTTAWA — Today as we celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we are reminded of the need to protect the inalienable rights to which every person is...