The Green Marshall Plan - Bank of Canada's Green Money Supply



A) The right to create money belongs to the citizens, but has been "contracted out" to irresponsible entities that have participated in creating a vast ecological debt.

B) Money creation that helped caused the ecological debt must be used to help repay that debt. If the money creation rights are more flexible and can be exploited to reverse ecological damage and restrict expansion of emissions, then we have a moral duty to use them for that immediately because we are at the tipping point of a runaway greenhouse effect.

C) With green infrastructure projects come new jobs, a larger tax base and savings from efficiency that will expand the economy. Green infrastructure paid by new money prevents resistance from those otherwise forced to pay for it.

D) The *risk-reward ratio" of reducing carbon vs inflation risk is in favour of reducing carbon. No claim that green money creation in and of itself guarantees inflation is credible. Countries engaged in large scale quantitative easing (QE) have not experienced problem inflation. Nor have countries like South Korea that focused its 2008-9 stimulus on energy efficiency measures.
Better energy efficiency, reduced fuel use and reduced pollution abatement must reduce long term costs. That "reduces" inflation, as inflation is measured against a basket of actually used goods. If we require less fuel, and get more for less, then actual value received for money is increased.
Created money creating genuine progress across whole societies reduces expenditures otherwise required for the same amount of genuine progress.

E) Ratified Green Party of Canada policy exists that Greens advocate the Bank of Canada return to a prominent role in creating money. (policy code G10-P24) That means, among other measures, creating *additional* money.

F) The ecological or natural capital of the biosphere, or indeed any ecosystem within it, is the root of all wealth.

G) Green MPs in England have asked the Bank of England to consider green QE. Mark Carney, the Bank's governor has stated a scenario where that may happen. Greens in at least Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, France, Germany, Italy, other EU nations are urging similar measures. G7 and G20 and BRICS countries are also updating their policies to respond to V-20 and COP21 concerns. Canadian Greens should be among this chorus.


Be It Resolved: Green MPs and the GPC will advocate for Bank Of Canada money creation to offer interest free (or sovereign interest level) loans and grants for green infrastructure and efficiency projects. Such projects may include the creation of for profit crown corporations that build own and operate infrastructure and efficiency projects. Green MP's and the GPC will advocate The Bank of International Settlements support all central banks under it's structure engage in sovereign coordinated Green Marshall Plans.
Be It Further Resolved, A royal commission will be established to determine the feasibility of creating such crown corporations in given fields of expertise and offer a plan for a virtually carbon free Canada. The royal commission would create specific objectives and operating procedures for the green crown corporations. Grants to crown corporations will take preference over any grants to private interests. One example of a green project, which could be owned by a crown corporation: fast electric vehicle charging stations for EVs.

Dimitri Lascaris, Corey Levine, Mark Bigland-Pritchard, Rolly Montpellier, Laura Lee Roberts, Debra Scott, Brennan Wauters, Roger Benham, Miriam Meir, Betty Muir, Mario LeClerk, Charlene Day, Angela Salewsky, Paula Boutis, Tom Beck, Diane Wilson, Constantine Ivals, Constantine Kritsonis, Cyrille Giraud, Tom McLenaghan, Joan Jenkin, Joe Foster, Maria Kritsonis, Robert Mellalieu


For background, see:
[Victor Anderson] Green/EFA, EU Parliament report on Green QE, June 2015.
Also see:
According to academics including professor Mark Z. Jacobson, the technologies exist to cost competitively replace fossil fuels now, in 2016 [ (TED talk)]

Thus the moral obligation implement these proposed solutions immediately on a large scale.

In 2008, literally *TRILLIONS* of dollars in various currencies were created by central banks to bail out "banksters", failed corporations, even lawbreakers who were never punished (except in Iceland) because they are *too big to fail*.

If those who cause ecological destruction and loss of natural capital can be bailed out with large scale new money creation because they are *too big to fail* , then certainly central banks can help "bail out" the species, climate & biosphere they have done so much to compromise.
It is our planet that is *too big to fail*.
The Marshall Plan rebuilt Europe after WWII with the equivalent of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of infrastructure spending, including newly created money. Today, we need a *Green* Marshall Plan for our planet.

Policy G10-P24:



Proposal Type


Submitter Name

Constantine Kritsonis



A) The right to create money belongs to the citizens, but has been "contracted out" to irresponsible entities that have participated in creating a vast ecological debt.

B) Money creation that helped caused the ecological debt must be used to help repay that debt. If the money creation rights are more flexible and can be exploited to reverse ecological damage and restrict expansion of emissions, then we have a moral duty to use them for that immediately because we are at the tipping point of a runaway greenhouse effect.

C) With green infrastructure projects come new jobs, a larger tax base and savings from efficiency that will expand the economy. Green infrastructure paid by new money prevents resistance from those otherwise forced to pay for it.

D) The *risk-reward ratio" of reducing carbon vs inflation risk is in favour of reducing carbon. No claim that green money creation in and of itself guarantees inflation is credible. Countries engaged in large scale quantitative easing (QE) have not experienced problem inflation. Nor have countries like South Korea that focused its 2008-9 stimulus on energy efficiency measures.
Better energy efficiency, reduced fuel use and reduced pollution abatement must reduce long term costs. That "reduces" inflation, as inflation is measured against a basket of actually used goods. If we require less fuel, and get more for less, then actual value received for money is increased.
Created money creating genuine progress across whole societies reduces expenditures otherwise required for the same amount of genuine progress.

E) Ratified Green Party of Canada policy exists that Greens advocate the Bank of Canada return to a prominent role in creating money. (policy code G10-P24) That means, among other measures, creating *additional* money.

F) The ecological or natural capital of the biosphere, or indeed any ecosystem within it, is the root of all wealth.

G) Green MPs in England have asked the Bank of England to consider green QE. Mark Carney, the Bank's governor has stated a scenario where that may happen. Greens in at least Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, France, Germany, Italy, other EU nations are urging similar measures. G7 and G20 and BRICS countries are also updating their policies to respond to V-20 and COP21 concerns. Canadian Greens should be among this chorus.


Be It Resolved: Green MPs and the GPC will advocate for Bank Of Canada money creation to offer interest free (or sovereign interest level) loans and grants for green infrastructure and efficiency projects. Such projects may include the creation of for profit crown corporations that build own and operate infrastructure and efficiency projects. Green MP's and the GPC will advocate The Bank of International Settlements support all central banks under it's structure engage in sovereign coordinated Green Marshall Plans.
Be It Further Resolved, A royal commission will be established to determine the feasibility of creating such crown corporations in given fields of expertise and offer a plan for a virtually carbon free Canada. The royal commission would create specific objectives and operating procedures for the green crown corporations. Grants to crown corporations will take preference over any grants to private interests. One example of a green project, which could be owned by a crown corporation: fast electric vehicle charging stations for EVs.


Dimitri Lascaris, Corey Levine, Mark Bigland-Pritchard, Rolly Montpellier, Laura Lee Roberts, Debra Scott, Brennan Wauters, Roger Benham, Miriam Meir, Betty Muir, Mario LeClerk, Charlene Day, Angela Salewsky, Paula Boutis, Tom Beck, Diane Wilson, Constantine Ivals, Constantine Kritsonis, Cyrille Giraud, Tom McLenaghan, Joan Jenkin, Joe Foster, Maria Kritsonis, Robert Mellalieu


For background, see:
[Victor Anderson] Green/EFA, EU Parliament report on Green QE, June 2015.
Also see:
According to academics including professor Mark Z. Jacobson, the technologies exist to cost competitively replace fossil fuels now, in 2016 [ (TED talk)]

Thus the moral obligation implement these proposed solutions immediately on a large scale.

In 2008, literally *TRILLIONS* of dollars in various currencies were created by central banks to bail out "banksters", failed corporations, even lawbreakers who were never punished (except in Iceland) because they are *too big to fail*.

If those who cause ecological destruction and loss of natural capital can be bailed out with large scale new money creation because they are *too big to fail* , then certainly central banks can help "bail out" the species, climate & biosphere they have done so much to compromise.
It is our planet that is *too big to fail*.
The Marshall Plan rebuilt Europe after WWII with the equivalent of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of infrastructure spending, including newly created money. Today, we need a *Green* Marshall Plan for our planet.

Policy G10-P24: