The election is over and the results are in!
Please welcome your newest Young Greens of Canada Council:
Co-Chair: Stuart Hunter
Co-Chair: Avery Velez
Alberta: Max Stronge
British Columbia: Joel Woznow
Manitoba: Bryanne Lamoureux
New Brunswick: Delaney Crawford
Newfoundland and Labrador: Alexandra Hayward
Nova Scotia: Karyn Macpherson
Ontario: Jeremy Leite
Prince Edward Island: Jonathan Williams
Quebec: Grace Tarabey
Saskatchewan: Tracey Moody
The Young Greens Council represents the youth wing of the Green Party of Canada and serves all members under the age of 30. We promote the core principles of Green politics, help shape the policy and strategies of the Green Party of Canada, and work closely with Federal Council. Our goal is to help young Canadians become more active and effective within the Green Party — and beyond!