Thomas Trappenberg
Federal Council - Nova Scotia 414-3960
I am a member of the Green Party of Canada since 2004, I led the Green Party of Nova Scotia for the past five years, and I ran in numerous elections since 2006. I am a scientist and a moderate, and I believe in the huge opportunities of a green economy which can solve social issues while addressing the climate crisis. An important part for running this time is to keep this party out of the hands of destructionists who want to polarize this party. Doing politics different has to include honesty, openness, and positivism. Annamie has been elected as leader, and we now need to give her the support to make an impact.
I have previously been on council, and I think it is useful to contribute some of the memories to prevent repeated mistakes. My philosophy as representative is to be a connector between our members in Nova Scotia and the party administration. A main concern of mine is to provide frequent reports about developments. I have encountered many wonderful and honest people in this party, and we need to grow a culture of respect and consider compromises to enable progress.
Please make an effort to vote as there is the possibility of a privately-organized group to polarize the party. A true democracy requires your support, and not voting leaves us vulnerable for minority takeovers. Of course, our grassroot democracy does also mean to voice your ideas for progress. I am looking forward to listen.